Spiritual Seeker’s Toolkit

It's a Spiritual Seeker's Toolkit; NOT a 'What to believe' thing.

It is THE MOST Spirit-FREEING, EMPOWERFUL piece I ever created for sorting out beliefs and finding clarity, confidence, and solid ground.

A university course assignment took me into areas of spiritual curiosity outside my religion's tradition and comfort zone.  That experience birthed this spiritual seeker's toolkit. I've used and shared it ever since.

It is very unique in a very good way. (class participant)

We were able to have conversations and be free to express ourselves. It was “safe” to mention things here that I might not say elsewhere. (class participant)

Spiritual Seeker's Toolkit

course and spiritual coaching

For YOU:

Wherever your questions are taking you, this Seeker's Toolkit™ will:

  • make it easier,
  • free and empower your spirit,
  • bring clarity and peace,
  • and will become part of you.

Your search goes where it goes.

Any fear factors, religion taboos, and guilt around exploring spirituality and practices outside your own, we'll handle those also.   (This is a road I have traveled and enjoy being of service on.)

Expanding elementary beliefs and deepening understandings is a natural evolving of our soul's work, adding to everything that came earlier.

Contact us or begin now with one of the links in column to the right.

(You'll be drawn and it will feel good to you when you're ready.)