Soul Sistering, Life Coaching
A spirit-and-life-wisdom-infused process of growing your greatness. Evolving and change are natural processes of transforming, and often challenging, messy. Soul sistering brings inclusive spiritual wisdom, intuitive sensing, integrated-wholeness processes. You’ll feel reassuring support, comfort; a powerful lifeline and light energy to make challenging times easier, more uplifting to navigate.
We begin with a single Starter Session. … no commitments, no pressure. Read more.
Personal Self-Growing…. a whole life; woven together uniquely in everyone
Feminine Spirituality
Feminine-centered Spiritual path-making because we’re women; and most spiritual communities are masculine-based, which often doesn’t fit us. From a religious studies major with a lifelong spiritual calling, you’ll get lasting wisdom, universal lifetime, tools, resources, keys to feed and free your hungry feminine spirit. (It seldom works well trying to be someone we’re not; trying to fit into models, expectations, and stories that aren’t ours.) More about evolving spirituality
Personal Wellness Coach
In a former corporate life, wellness was my wheelhouse; not medical-centered, rather, all those healthy life–energy-happiness-self-care, whole-person, natural well being, lifestyle stuff that comes before that. Here’s a sample of what I mean… and a photo: see right-pointing arrow toward high level wellness.
Before that, I was trained, certified, and worked in Total Youth Ministry, a whole-person, mind-body-spirit-social, holistic approach to personal well-being.
Virtual Women’s Writing Group
Virtual Writing Group meets 4th Wednesdays of each month. Writing is a wellness and creativity conduit and practice. Calendar page has dates and details.
Special Projects
- Writing, editing, proofreading;
- technology-shares: learning / creating together, WordPress website / blog; word, excel, presentation prep;
- travel partner;
- Personal Sliding-into-Home projects support.
- Self-Publishing know-how, support
Card Readings
… the Angel reading you did for me a couple of years ago was one of the most helpful that I have had.
Mari G.
For entertainment at a private gathering, a quiet corner where guests can receive spirit-calming, soothing inspired words. Oracle, angel cards are a spiritual tool; offering insight, confirmation, clarification, and conversation.